Have a issue where I type in a value (anywhere) say 250mm thick slab, the “250” stays there as I populate the rest of the values and i click submit and draw in the slab. the slab will actually be the original values not the new ones… i.e.100mm.
If I type 250 and move to the next value box and then click back on the 250 box, the value will revert to 100 (original) only if I type in 250 twice (click in the box, click somewhere else and click back and type 250 again) does it actually stick and I get a 250mm slab.
This applies to every value box anywhere in pluspec, I need to click on everything twice and type it twice… really strange.
Running W11. 2020SU. Done a fresh install. current software. sync’d. After suggestions on a fix.
That is very odd! I’m also not able to replicate the issue so it sounds like it may be something on your computer. If you restore factory default (explained below) does it resolve the issue?
To restore factory default, navigate to the top of the screen & go to Extensions > PlusSpec > Restore Factory Default, then select OK then Yes in the prompts that appear. After this, use the tools again & try to replicate the issue.
The issue may have something to do with the SketchUp version you are using. If you install SketchUp 24 & then PlusSpec again do you still get the issue? Note: If you already have a Trimble account you’ll need to sign up with a new email to get the 7 day trial.
If that doesn’t resolve the issue we’ll need to organise a time to log into your computer & try to diagnose the issue.