"the takeoff has encountered a problem and couldn't generate"


Hi Bostonalchemist, Welcome; when you get a minute, can you update your bio showing MAC/PC and the version used? You can get the version from the :grey_question: in the Plusspec Toolbar.

Ok, I have seen the “Takeoff has encountered a problem” pop-up before. It is strange; it would be good to get a copy of the model so we can diagnose and update or comment more accurately. Can you either email it to us or attach it here?
Here is how to move forward with an estimate

  1. right-click on a wall and then go to + TAKEOFF and choose selection only
  2. You will find the BOQ opens
  3. You can now click and select multiple items using shift and then right-click takeoff selection. I use this to help me break down estimate sin to bite-sized chunks, yet it is also good to isolate items that may have an error in the. It could be as simple as you have added a character to a price field EG $%^&*() that is stopping the BOQ from generating.

Thanks Andrew, This issue has seemed to resolve itself. I am loving using Plusspec but being a “Chippie” i am not familiar with such software also this is my first software package so finding my transition into this new world a little slow! I am realizing the more time i spend on it the easier it is becoming.
I do have a problem with my “All sub totals” not equaling my overall total??

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Ok, I found out what happened after a heap of testing. Thanks for sending your model; we did not have your recipes, and that made the issue hard to find, but here is the answer:
When you create a BIM component :bim_tool: on an undefined Tag and then, create a recipe for the BIM component> associate a fixed number count to the recipe instead of a link to the component count. The subtotal reads the recipe, but the total quantity did not. It was a bug, and we have fixed it. We are testing it now it should be live within 24 hours.

The reason you may have seen it once but not twice is the components Tag/Layer may have been turned off, or you may have deleted the component, and as a result, the recipe would not have shown, and the quantities would have matched.

It is complicated to explain, so let me know if you need some screenshots. Thanks for your patience and for pointing this one out. It took some time to figure it out, and we pride ourselves on accuracy, so your feedback helps everyone.

I will delete your other post about the same issue. Oh, and welcome aboard, mate, I look forward to seeing you kick a few goals in your business after getting the hang of PlusDesignBuild

Hi Andrew,

I’m getting the same message with the takeoff after installing 24.3.4-beta this morning, I attempted the takeoff on a few models and get the same message, takeoff selection only won’t work either. I’ve reinstalled 24.1.2 and the takeoff works fine.