Takeoff tool changing unit pricing

Hi Need i need assitiance with changing unit pricing in the framing estimate tool ?

Hi user42,

There are currently two ways to do this, which I’ve listed below.

Option 1

  1. Open the Takeoff Preferences dialog (top left of the Takeoff next to the refresh icon) & disable the ‘Frame (Advanced)’ option.
  2. Go to the Framing category & select a subcategory where the material(s) would appear (e.g. 17A_FRAME) & click ‘Edit/See More’.
  3. Go to the price field & update the price to the desired value.
  4. Go back tot he Takeoff Preferences dialog & re-enable ‘Frame (Advanced)’. The price should now be updated with the desired value.

Option 2

  1. Export the pricing as a CSV via the Pricing dialog in the Takeoff. Tip: Use the “pricing for model” option to only export items from the model, otherwise use the “material pricing CSV” option to have all items exported.
  2. Update the price in the spreadsheet for the specific material(s) & save the file.
  3. Import the updated CSV via the Pricing dialog in the Takeoff. The price should now be updated.