Beams above plates

We are doing a lot of full height windows with lvls above plates to pickup posis and trusses, is there any way to option this setup within plusdesignbuild without having to manually move each lvl?

Hi baskbg,

To achieve the result you’re after when using full height windows, I would recommend removing the section of wall where the window is, then using the :custom_window_tool: Custom Window Tool to draw the window & :beam_tool: Beam Tool add the LVL above the plates. The steps below explain how best to do this.

  1. If the window is already drawn, remove it using the :remove_window_tool: Remove Window Tool. Otherwise this step can be skipped.
  2. Using the :split_wall_tool: Split Wall Tool, click either side of where the window will be, then press Enter/Return to confirm the splits.
  3. Select the section of wall where the window will be & delete it.
  4. Draw the window using the :custom_window_tool: Custom Window Tool in the gap left by the wall removed in Step 2.
  5. Draw the LVL above the plate using the :beam_tool: Beam Tool. Tip: Make sure to select the correct Takeoff Tag option if you plan on using the Adv. Framing pages of the takeoff.

Thanks for the response grant!