Accessible Bathroom Designs - Australia

Hi Group
Wanting to connect with people and ideas for doing accessible bathroom designs for Australia and assisting those looking at renos and extensions for the elderly
Do you have any 3d models and info to share?
Please reach out - keen to hear from you :slight_smile:

Hi Pembo,
We have only done an accessible disabled bathroom with no shower for a non resi classification building.
Sounds like what we have done would be different to what you are looking at doing which would probably fall more under the livable housing design handbook. Check it out here great resource !!

The AS Standard AS 1428.1 is a pretty good resource too, along with the Tools app is even better if you are looking to specify elements, its a great resource for compliance reviewing to the NCC. Its really good for displaying the clauses and standards in a digestible 3D perspective. Check out this app

To make things quicker when you are modeling you can also jump on the caroma website and grab some great 1:1 products as components to drop straight into your model !! =) Check out this Caroma Bim Resource

Hope this helps you in what your looking at


Nice work, Mitch. You are a wealth of knowledge. :+1:

Thanks MitchC - I will check out the Caroma Link - Yes I am having some fun developing a process for the Domestic Industry :slight_smile: