window arrows and fixed glazing on awning windows

At times my windows display a double arrow indicating that both windows are sliding. Is this something i am doing wrong.
Awning windows are displaying as double opening when in fact i would like a fixed pane and the awning.


This is because both Windows are awning windows. This is no mistake it is just that you have draw a window big enough that two awning windows are needed.

So you are saying that you want one of the windows to be an awning window and the other to be a fixed window. Or are you saying that you want one big wide awning window?

get back to me and I can help you out.

Kind Regards

Capture3.JPGi would like the awning window to be two panes of glass…one an awning window the other a fixed pane. ie 1210 window is split into two with one side an awning window and the other side fixed
I have also included a snap shot of my windows and doors doubling with arrowsCapture4.JPG


Currently creating one pane as awning and the other as a fixed pane is not currently possible with our windows. What you can do is keep clicking on the arrow until it appears blue and then you are able to delete it.

Kind Regards