I’ve downloaded a trial of PlusSpec and the Takeoff/Estimate Tool isn’t working. I click it and nothing happens. It happens every time, no matter the file being used, it’s just completely non responsive. Any ideas would be appreciated!
Hi Kenny, PlusSpec does a basic take off in your browser, PlusDesignBuild does it inside Sketchup.
So if your browser is hidden behind Sketchup you may not see the estimate. Try opening your browser and then clicking takeoff.
Kenny if you are looking for a detailed estimate that associates, prices recipes, suppliers and subcontractors you will get more out of PlusDesignBuild here is the link: https://plusspec.com/plusdesignbuild/.
If you are looking for a basic feasibility study PlusSpec should deliver what you need.
Let me know if this fixes your problem, if it does not try reinstalling.