Site Feedback? I'm not sure you want to know :-)

This feedback is meant to be helpful even if it’s a but of a rant. I wouldn’t even bother providing it if the product didn’t look so exciting.

The only reason I signed up was a video I saw of what the product could do, otherwise I’d have never persevered. Every aspect of the purchase has been an exercise in frustration:

  1. Main website fails in every regard at making it easy to figure out what the difference is between products, and why someone would choose one over the other.

  2. The checkout process is horribly broken. Forms are not able to do the simplest things such as discard a space. The user is allowed to press submit and it fails without providing any feedback. I had to try about 10 times before I could get my purchase to go through.

  3. Even password reset is horribly implemented. The page does not explain what the password requirements are and simply keeps failing until the user lands on a password that works. Are 8 characters required? Is there a maximum number of characters allowed? Are some characters required or not allowed?

  4. I could go on but for now I’ll move to the activation process. After finally being able to download the product, installation has also failed and PS will not generate a machine code. I’ve following the installation suggestions, I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled, I’ve closed and reopened etc. etc. And this is what I always get.

ade it to installation and that has failed to.

And here we go some more.

And when I clicked on the confusingly worded “didn’t receive your installation instructions” (as opposed to the “click here to confirm email” which is what one would expect), and had them resent, and click on “confirm account”, of course this is what I received.


Hi User26,

Thank you for your website feedback, we value your feedback and will evaluate these items with our team. We spend most of our time developing better software instead of improving our website, so this is a timely reminder. We will be in touch directly with an update in relation to your licence issue.

Thank You! As you can see I was a bit frustrated - I wanted to play with my new toy :-D.