Section Hatching Not working

Hi, I have an issue with an existing model and the section hatching not working.

When I try using it the hatching doesnt generate but a large face is generated at the centre of the axis.

I have tried copying the model to a new sketchup file. I am hoping there is a fix so I dont need to redraw the model?

When I open a new model and draw a new wall the hatching works fine so it is something with the model causing it to break.

Any help is much appreciated.

The item appears to be inside a group; try to break inside the group and then do the section hatch. If that does not work , try exploding the group and use the levels and layer tool :levels_layers_tool: to organise your model.
In rare cases, old geometry that has been altered will not hatch; if this is the case click on the slab, open the slab tool, and click submit. This will redraw the slab, and the section hatching will work. I hope that helps…