PlusSpec Installation

Welcome to the PlusSpec Beta!

1. Download Sketchup
Before getting started you need to have a copy of Sketchup installed on your computer and that can be downloaded from the Sketchup website. We have provided you with the link:
(Note: Sketchup Make 2013 and Sketchup 8 will both work and they’re both free to download and use. It is not required to have a payed version of Sketchup to use our software)

2. Download PlusSpec Installer for Windows
To get started, you’ll need to download the installer from the following url:

After installing, launch SketchUp and you will be prompted to activate your license. You can do so by entering the following login details:
Username: “Provided Username”
Password: “Provided Password”

While you’re downloading, you should check out the crash course available at

If you have any issues, comments or just want to talk about PlusSpec you can do so on this forum.

Also, remember that this is a Beta release! You should expect oddities from time to time as well as the possibility of more serious issues. We recommend saving often! The terms of this are available to you at
Two important points to note are the confidentiality and the expiration. As present, you aren’t permitted to share any information about the beta with anyone except, of course, others involved in the beta. It should also be noted that the license granted to you for the beta is time restricted, and will expire in six months or less (depending on the beta duration).

Thanks, and have fun!