PlusSpec and CGI's


CGI for refurbishment and remodelling project in Sheffield UK - new shopfront and 2 refurbished shop units plus substantial extensions and remodelling for 11 apartments. Scheme drawings on Plusspec using SU Pro2015 and Indigo Render.

The image is rather blurred because it’s been reduced from 20mB to about 120k but it shows how versatile PlusSpec is and how it works on live projects.


Awesome project! Great job.

Looks like a really nice refurbished place. Keep the great work up.

Kind Regards

Hi Dean

Emailed you some more info and drawings etc for the project. It may not be large or glamorous enough to ‘Showcase’ as it’s just a small refurb project but feel free to use any of the info to assist publicity/marketing.

I’ll send a larger project in a few weeks.

Kind regards


Hi Steve,

Thank you for sending the email over :slight_smile: It is greatly appreciated. I really enjoy your work.

Cant wait to see the larger projects.

Kind Regards