Not Coming Up In Sketchup


I have just downloaded the PlusSpec software, but it doesn’t seem to be coming up when I open Sketchup. What am I doing wrong?


Hey Peter.

Could you please provide more information and maybe a screen shot if possible?

what version of sketchup you have?

the type and the message of the error that you get?
Operating System Information if available?


Hi Guys,

I have had the same problem. I clicked on the download link and waited for it to download, then when it had finished I opened Sketchup but the PlusSpec software didn’t open with it. Am I missing a step or doing something wrong?

Hey Peter,

You need to install the software but double clicking on the downloaded file (PlusSpec) please do the following steps:

Download & Install PlusSpec With Your Username & Password:
Username: username
Password: password


Launch Sketchup, you will be prompted to activate your license. You can do so by entering the following login details

Username: username
Password: password


Thanks :slight_smile: