Importing of materials doesn’t work very well and fails at times, actually most of the time it does. I have created a new material and the: message: loading. is shown. Been over 10 minutes now and still waiting.
Steps to reproduce:
Open Sketchup skp (Latest Mac OS X) and PlusSpec (1.33)
Right click on surface +Joists > Create Joist
Create Material or Find Materials e.g: … lid-timber (Tried Chrome and Safari)
Drag and Drop
Message: Loading.
Restart does not work
New skp does not fix the issue
With MAC it is recommended that you use the ‘SYNC’ button instead of using the drag and drop method.
After creating a material don’t drag and drop the image but instead go back to SketchUp and use the ‘SYNC’ tool. This will put your created material into it’s correct spot and you wont have any loading problems.
PlusSpec will automatically tell you if the file size is to big.
I am not sure as to why it did not stop you. I am going to look into it now and if there are any problems it will be fixed. Thank you for letting me know.
I have started using PlusSpec and I am having trouble loading new materials. Just will not load on every occasion was fine to start with. I do not want to use any of the standard materials supplied and require to make my own for the projects I am working on.
The file size varies from 12 kb to 55kb. Done the sync thing seen the file size error so that is sorted.
Can you solve the problem? Find it frustrating, to say the least.
I’m not sure what’s happening here as the file size you’re using should work. The link below is to our material creation tutorials and should help shed some light on what the issue might be.
If this doesn’t help you out, would you please be able to send a screen recording from start to finish of the process you’re doing to create a material?
Guys, I make heaps of materials and do it pretty quickly as I usually go to one of my old models with old materials and then FILE>Export>3D Model and select OBJ. This is a great way to also find the size of textures. The biggest issue I have is when I try and import a material over 150kb. The key is to ensure your textures are high enough in resolution to look presentable yet low enough in file size to keep the mode running efficiently. I found that 99’99% of textures can be created low enough in size yet high enough in the resolution under 30kb, it all comes down to the way you do it. I use Faststone capture a lot but you might already have a heap of tileable textures created there is bulk texture resizer on Faststone site for free here I hope it helps. BTW if you have a heap of textures that you want to be added into PlusSpec feel free to send them over but they must be copyright free. We will do our best to get them in there for you as soon as possible. Ideally, if they are associated with a manufacturer send their details as we can add a heap more information to them and all of you will get the benefit.