Layer Map

It may be that I just don’t know, but (being new) I want to know which layers all new geometry are associated with. I need to assign layers to a lot of the model geometry to coordinate estimation for construction.

What I really want is to have a tool that will allow me to assign all layers of all assemblies. I spent a lot of time getting my default files into CSI format, so my design/build business can coordinate from model through construction. It could be a spreadsheet, web interface, .plist file, something I could edit to determine my own layer options. Thanks!

Hi minimalex,

Thank you for your post and the suggestion.

We currently don’t have any feature that allows the layers to be altered but we are looking at adding something like this sometime in the future. If you’d like a document that briefly explains the layers, can you please send an email to so I can send the document to you?

Also, if you use the ‘Export Excel’ and ‘Export CSV’ buttons on the Takeoff page you can export and manipulate the information into the formats that you’ve created and/or use.

Would you be able to please let me know if this works for you?

We have this on a list of items to do, if you have any more information you would like to add or an example of your layer system it would be helpful.