Import IFC Model


Your website refers to “IFC to Sketchup Optimizer, Organizer, Quantifier and Procurement” I’ve installed the latest version on my MAC running SketchUp Pro 2023 but cannot locate IFC Tool functionality on the toolbar / menu.

Does PlusSpec import .ifc files directly as an alternative to the native function?

Can you please assist.


Hi H3nd0,

Thank you for your enquiry.

The IFC Tool is currently only available for the PlusDesignBuild version. If you would like to upgrade your PlusSpec version or need any assistance with different versions, please contact for more info.

The support team have notified me that they’ve been in contact with you regarding this issue. If you have any further enquiries please let us know.

Hi Grant,

Thank you for your reply, I have received comms from Alyssa Allones, unfortunately my email account won’t allow me to reply! May I please request request a refund as I appear to inadvertently ordered a SketchUp license which I already have.


Good day H3nd0,

Thank you for connecting with PlusSpec.
As per request I have refunded the SketchUp licence, please allow for a few days for the funds to transfer back to your account.