GROUPS: Automatically Name Groups created by a PS Tool

When groups are created via a PS Tool, automatically apply a name to them. The objective is to make Entity Info more descriptive and Outliner more usable (for instance, if you want to manually find a specific element of the model and hide it, it would be easier to find versus randomly clicking and expand unnamed groups). The names could be the same or similar to their TAG((Layer), but subgroups may need to be more definitive. Also a group may have a TAG (Layer) designation of “Untagged”.

See the attached model, make sure Entity Info and the Outliner are open.
In the Outliner expand individual groups (also do an expand all) then see if finding a specific group or types of similar groups is easier.
Name Groups.skp (413 KB)
I admit the names I applied may need correcting or improved.

Hi John,

Thank you for your post.

I definitely see how this would be useful, I will have to bring it up with development and management and explore the possibilities of the tool.

As you are aware, PlusSpec and Outliner don’t tend to mix well, so we’d have to see if by adding in these group names that we’d be able to overcome the issues.

Appreciate your suggestions John, always some great ideas coming from you!

Best Regards,