Framing not showing when Structure is selected

I am fairly new to PlusSpec, but understand most things and have been moving through it just fine… until this…
When selecting Structure in the Scene, I only see solid walls or footings.
I have checked Unhide All, and that is not the issue.
I notice that if I add a top plate to my concrete stem walls, it does show under Structure.
Am I missing something regarding the framing settings?
Two images, one with showing all, one showing Structure.

It would not let me upload two images, so here is the other one.

Hi @BobJM, thanks for commenting and welcome.
Bob, It helps us respond with the correct answer if you can take a full-screen snapshot with the default tray open. Also, it would help if you could fill in your user info with license type, Sketchup version, and machine type EG PC or MAC.

In the following I assume you are using PlusArchitect or PlusDesignBuild.

Try to click the Seel all button in the PlusSpec toolbar :see_all: and use Xray mode.

You could also run a section through the wall to see studs/wall framing.

Based on the looks of your drawing, the top plates are there. This tells me the Tag (layer) is turned off on the structure scene. This can happen if you turn the tag off and then update the scene.
NOTE: The tag name is 17A_FRAME

It may also be that you have chosen a double masonry wall as opposed to a Masonry Veneer wall .

This can also occur if you choose “Demolish” in the wall tool