Footing Tool

PlusSpec License: PlusDesignBuild
PlusSpec Version: PlusDesignBuild b e t a version 22
SketchUp Version: SketchUp 23
Computer Type: PC Windows 11
Profession: Builder


Just a request if possible to incorporate.

With the new footing reinforcement tool:

In the wall tool when using the “Footing/Foundation TooL”
We tick the“footing Reinforcement?” box
Layers of mesh set to Both
Tie spacing set to say 600mm
Footing mesh can be what ever.
The issue is when the Footing Tie Spacing tool counts, it counts it through out the whole job.

Can Plusspec create a “material box” option to be able to allocate different ligatures to different footings?

At the moment, I am leaving this box unticked and linking these ligatures in the material selection unter “edit see more”

Fyi, the same goes for:
Door Hinges
Door Screws

With thanks,

Hi Simon, thanks for the suggestion. Can you give me more info on stirrups/ligatures or post a URL link? This way I I can look into the best way to add a ligature name per wall. Also, I’m not sure what “material Box” is. Do you mean the “Create/Manage” material box?

Currently, you can change the trench mesh per wall but not the lig type.

  1. How many different ligature Types/names are there? I know of three 1)Open Loop, 2) closed-loop 90deg 3) closed-loop135 deg. We could add these names in a drop-down but I will be guided by your suggestion
  2. Is it better if you type your names or select from a drop-down and change the name in the takeoff?
  3. Should we have “Started with” and “end with Ligature” option?
  4. Have you used the "Piers under footings yet?
    Footing reinforcement_ ligatures and trench mesh drawn in 3D for a BOQ in PlusDesignBuild.jpg

Hello Andrew,
Thank you for your post.
We reply as follows:

  1. Not to fussed about the type. Looking for the option to create a new material and rename.
  2. See picture
  3. Don’t think so
  4. Yes
    Screenshot 2024-01-17 154016.png


Further to the previous post, please see below

Footing tool Materials

  • Content
    • I have created a material for concrete specification to a slab. In this instance 0510 Strip Footing.
    • This allows me to quantify the concrete within the footing (separate to other footings (eg Strip Fooings, Ground floor slab on ground Footings)
  • Mesh
    • I have created different materials for different trench mesh. In this instance SF 5 Bar 12mm.
    • This allows me to quantify different trench mesh in the same slab (Eg and external beam may require 300mm trench mesh where an internal beam may require a 200mm trench mesh in a slab. Same mesh may be required in a strip footing and/or slab
    • I like the “number of trench mesh” option (Top/Bottom/Both)
  • Tie spacing
    • Is Pluspec able to add another option/window linked to the “Tie Spacing”.
    • I am aware that the sizes are quantified separately (eg. Footing size W*H -Reinforcement offset= Ligature size in the Edit/See more page)
    • However, I am unable to link this a particular footing. Especially of there are two similar sized footings.
    • I would then create a material for each are linked to a specific cost code
    • What type of ligature doesn’t concern me, jus the sizes as I have costs of ligatures based on size 350mmx400mm.
  • Edit Tag & BOQ Category
    • Further to this, I have been reassigning all my materials using the “Edit Tag & BOQ Category” option in the “Materials, Selection and finishes” window. I have been doing this, so the materials are more in line with my Cost Categories and Cost Codes.
    • However, when I re-assign any sort of reinforcement, the material still comes under the “16_REINFORCEMENT” Category and not the layer/category assigned in the “Edit Tag & BOQ Category” in the take off section.

Look forward to your feedback

1 Like

Thanks, Simon that is good feedback; I have added this post to our next development meeting; it will depend on the time frame to complete and the order of priority, yet everything sounds feasible to me.

Ok to start we will look at adding the field like your image above Seeing you are only counting the ligs according to each wall or fitting type PlusSpec would have to override the offset from the side of the footing which could be confusing for new users. It sounds as though you would be happy to leave the ligature size and simply change the name. Is that correct?

Hi Andrew,
Thanks for this.
Yes. Just confirming I will then be able to create a new material for each ligature which will be quantified in the take off.

Just confirming I will then be able to create a new material for each ligature which will be quantified in the take off.

Yes, that is correct.