Error when exporting joist takeoff

Hi Guys,

We just upgraded to Sketchup 2023, We have an error when trying to export our joist takeoff.

(We don’t have any other file open or named as the CSV Export)


Hi Nathan,

We are able to replicate this issue & it has been passed on to the development team. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

From our testing, the files are still generated even though this message appears. The file should be located either where the SketchUp model is saved or on your desktop (if the file hasn’t been saved).

We have an error when trying to export our joist takeoff Blockquote

Nathan, so you know, the file will still be exported and saved in the location of the model or wherever you save it.

I am unsure if you use Windows, but I always use the home button as it helps me find the latest files saved to my computer or drive. Scroll down to recent, and you will find the last file, which will be your CSV export; then open it with Excel or any CSV editor