Very general question but wondering if your aware of if there is any plugins that can preform a carbon footprint analysis? And if it can be integrated with the plusspec suite?
Very general question but wondering if your aware of if there is any plugins that can preform a carbon footprint analysis? And if it can be integrated with the plusspec suite?
Hi Truline, the only energy analysis plugin I know of is Sefiera and I don think it does what you are looking to do, but let me know.
You could use the advanced takeoff tool in PlusDesignBuild as your calc should be 100% accurate. In your case, you could create a recipe for the number of items per unit of measure; I assume you are looking at reporting embodied energy and carbon stored?
There are several ways to report it, yet I suggest creating a recipe and associating the item with a cost code so that all of your items are in one place when creating a BOQ by cost code. ( This is a new feature) The best thing about using recipes is PlusDesignBuild filters similar items/materials so you can associate the same calculation with the materials you deem to be calculated in a similar manner. This will save you hours, if not days of time when associating a unique value to similar items. You can also create a Supplier recipe to calculate the carbon associated with delivering a material or group of materials.
The hardest thing you might find is getting accurate information from material suppliers on each product’s embodied energy/carbon.
I must say I have not done a Carbon footprint calculation so please correct me if I missed something.
You could use the room tool :room_setout_quantities_tool and create a recipe for the cubic measure of heating and cooling loads.
I also label my windows inside the door tool & window tool
with the aspect in the for calculations for energy assessment (Basics &/or Nathers) as the BOQ reports window size, frame and glass type.