Ok, here’s another idea. While I see the value in the BIM part of PlusSpec, what about offering a “dummy wall type” that the user can define a wall thickness? Just to be able to add doors and windows to basic extruded rectangle would be really valuable for quick drawing of buildings. This would help users temporarily when we’re drawing wall configurations that aren’t available in PlusSpec yet.
Hi MasterSketchup,
I could see this being beneficial for PlusSpec users in certain ways. It would help for really quick drawn concepts and ideas for a client.
Thank you for the idea and I will also talk to the developers about this as well.
Could you email me a few suppliers, materials and building types that you would like to see in the US version.
My email is: dean@rubysketch.com
Hi MasterSketchUp
Just an update - This is coming soon - as a work around currently you can adjust the wall cavity under the “Manual Overrides” section in the wall tool.
Thanks for the update. I think this is really important for new users who may not quite be ready to take the full step into the BIM aspect of PlusSpec. It’s a great way for them to get used to using the tools without worrying about wall types. Plus, I 'd find it darn useful for foundation walls, too