Doors - able to switch from glass to timber/opaque


Is there a way to edit a door to change it from glass to no glass?

In the editing mode for doors, it would be great if you were able to have the option under glass, to change it to timber, solid, etc.



There is now, the glass doors are now live, download the latest version.
Glass door.jpg

This is brilliant!



Hi development team,
SOLID LEAF single-swing external doors still do not seem to be available (v19.3.0).
All of the available external swing door types appear to be glass doors.
I have searched the forum and help files, but cannot find feedback.
Am I supposed to change the glass material to an opaque material?

Hi Hendrik,

Thank you for your post.

We have an external timber (solid leaf) single swinging door available (circled in image below). If you’ve drawn glass swinging doors in your model, edit those doors and change them to this door type and click Submit.

Would you be able to please let me know if this works for you?
Door Tool - External Swinging_Hinged Door.png