Hi there, I am having an issue with the dialogs on PlusDesignBuild. When selecting a tool such as the wall tool for example, my dialogs do not appear, I am able to draw the wall but i am unable to choose materials, sizes etc. This issue is occurring for all tools that require a dialog. I have tried closing SketchUp down and opening it up again, restarting the computer and installing the latest version of SketchUp. I am unsure how to get my dialogs to appear again. if anyone has any answers that would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Martin_W,
It’s likely the dialogs are opening either off the screen or behind the SketchUp window. To fix this, please follow the steps outlined in the Quick Fix below.
Quick Fix
- Close all other Sketchup instances currently running except for one instance.
- Open the Ruby Console (go to Window → Developer → Ruby Console).
- Copy the non-bold text command located at the bottom of this section for the SketchUp version you have installed.
- Paste the text into the Ruby Console & press Enter.
- Close & reopen Sketchup (you may need to sign in).*
SketchUp 23
require ‘fileutils’; FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(ENV[‘AppData’], ‘…’, ‘local’, ‘SketchUp’, ‘SketchUp 2023’, ‘SketchUp’, ‘PrivatePreferences.json’))
SketchUp 24
require ‘fileutils’; FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(ENV[‘AppData’], ‘…’, ‘local’, ‘SketchUp’, ‘SketchUp 2024’, ‘SketchUp’, ‘PrivatePreferences.json’))
If the above fix doesn’t resolve the issue, please follow the steps outlined in the Manual Fix section below.
Manual Fix
- Close all Sketchup instances currently running.
- Open a File Explorer (i.e. the dialog window that appears when you go to My Documents) & type in %appdata% in the bar at the top (it should be next to the search bar).
- Go to SketchUp → SketchUp 2024 → SketchUp & delete the PrivatePreferences.json file. Note: If you have multiple SketchUp versions installed, make sure to select the version you are using.
- Close & reopen Sketchup (you might need to sign in).
Does this resolve the issue you’re having?
Hi Grant
I have got the following syntax error message after inputing your manual fix message into ruby console
“require ‘fileutils’; FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(ENV[‘AppData’], ‘…’, ‘local’, ‘SketchUp’, ‘SketchUp 2024’, ‘SketchUp’, ‘PrivatePreferences.json’))
Error: #<SyntaxError:”(eval):1: syntax error, unexpected integer literal, expecting do' or '{' or '('\n...’, ‘SketchUp’, ‘SketchUp 2024’, ‘SketchUp’, ‘P...\n... ^\n"> SketchUp:in
=> nil
also the manual method has not worked either.
Is there a syntax error in your command?
Also the warehouse extension manager is not responding
HI Martin_W,
I spoke with the development team & they said that there was some kind of error in the previous commands (I’m sorry about that), but the new commands I’ve outlined in the Updated Commands section below should work.
Updated Commands (Quick Fix)
SketchUp 23
require ‘fileutils’; FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(ENV[‘LocalAppData’],‘SketchUp’, ‘SketchUp 2023’, ‘SketchUp’, ‘PrivatePreferences.json’))
SketchUp 24
require ‘fileutils’; FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(ENV[‘LocalAppData’],‘SketchUp’, ‘SketchUp 2024’, ‘SketchUp’, ‘PrivatePreferences.json’))
Does the new command resolve the issue?
It’s odd that the Extension Manager also isn’t working. Have you tried any of the following to resolve this issue?
- Check if there’s an update for the SketchUp version you have installed (go to Help → Check For Update).
- Reinstall SketchUp (sometimes this cleans up a bad install or any bad files).
- Restart your computer.