If I were to build the following deck with specified bearer and joist materials. E.g: We have 100 x 50 bearers and 50 x 50 joists
How do I go about customising specific ones?
For instance, around the perimetre of the house house, instead of using 100 x 50s bearers we use a 50 x 25 material and screw it into the walls. The rest of the bearers are 100 x 50
Is there a way to select specific bearers and change the materials / size quickly and will it reflect the changes in the take off.
Also, a feature that would be great to have is to automatically generate posts. The framing plan automatically generates the bearers and joists. But not the posts.
If you need to select and change individual bearers/joists only, then you will have to do it manually. Ensure that you are in the group (keep double clicking until you can select each bearer/joist individually. You can then double click into the ones that you want to change, and then use the push and pull tool to free-form adjust them. Another way is that you could simply delete the ones that you want to change, and whilst still in the group, use the roof rafter tool > alternatives > rafter from points. This will ensure that they remain ‘parametric’ and select from custom ‘rafter sizes’.