create a passive house wall with CLT and TJI

Does anyone have an idea how i can create this wall.
I’m new with this tool and not really convinced if it efficent and works well?

In revit or archicad i can create a wall simple and can say layer 1 is wood, layer 2 is air; layer 3 is insulation with TJI in distence of 62,5 cm…
No clue how it works here and I cant change the material of a layer; why…? if one layer stone i can change it to wood. Material is an attribute nothing more.

Thanks folks


Hi Konrad,

Thank you for your post.

I have responded to you to this on your other post. The link to this post is below.

@konrad All PlusArchitect and PlusDesignBuild walls can now have battens on both sides. This video shows you how; thanks for the question; yes, it took us a while to complete it. It si currently in beta so please feel free to give feedback