Hi guys
when im placing lights into a house i place them onto layer 23_ELECTRICAL/APPLIANCES before i BIM them, when i go to BIM the lights they revert to layer 0 in the BIM tool? is there a way for the BIM tool to take the set layer before i BIM the item and remember that?
Also why is there another layer 23_electrical/appliances are we able to delete this layer and not cause problems in the take off?
The layer will be remembered if the geometry is made into a group or component and then assigning the layer. Would you be able to please let me know if this works for you?
Would you be able to please let me know when the ‘23_electrical/appliances’ layer appeared in your model or for what component it appears for?
I generated all the scenes but was only able to get the ‘23_ELECTRICAL/APPLIANCES’ layer to appear so I believe it may be assigned to some contents in your model.
If you want to remove the ‘23_electrical/appliances’ layer (it shouldn’t affect the Takeoff) what I would recommend to do is:
Make the ‘23_ELECTRICAL/APPLIANCES’ the current layer by going to the Layer Manager (menu) and clicking the circle at the beginning of the layer name.
Select the ‘23_electrical/appliances’ by left-clicking only on the name.
Click the ‘Delete Layer’ button (minus icon).
A message should appear saying “Layer(s) to be deleted are not empty. Choose what to do with the contents.” Select the ‘Move contents to Current layer’ option and press ‘OK’. All contents will then be moved to the correct layer.
Note: Make sure to change the current layer back to ‘Layer0’ after doing this.
Would you be able to please let me know if this works for you?