I have been watching through videos and searching forum but i cant seem to find an explanation of what the “Use PA?” option is for .
Could someone explain this option.
Also, I am wondering where I should have been able to find this information without a post to the forum ?
Is it only videos that are the canonical guides to PlusSpec ?
PA is Provisional Allowance. Add a figure to a PA when you do not know what the figure is, or when you do not have enough detail from your client, generally, a PA is adjustable ( you should have this in your contract if you are using PA’s). EG I may add a PA for a kitchen PA =$20k if the kitchen comes in at $15k you charge $15+ builders margin if the Kitchen comes in at 25k… you get the picture, i am sure. When you are learning PlusSpec try things out, it is a fine line between too much info and not enough. I rarely hear complaints about how long PlusSpec takes to learn yet I take your point onboard. If you ever want to test something simply start a file add a job address :job-tool: and then click takeoff. :takeoff: if your job is getting larger with multiple elements it is a good idea to push :scene-gen: as this will separate items into layers and also allow you to navigate. I always use the “Structure” scene when designing as it helps me visualise the buildability of the project. I do like to value engineer to keep clients costs down.
Everyone learns in different ways, I personally like to play and test so I understand what is going on yet some like the video tutorials because they do not have to sift through pages of PDFs.
If you have any suggestions or improvement we are here to help. Thanks for commenting John