Beta testing. What is it for?

Hi fellow Sketchupers and PlusSpecers

Why do we do beta testing?
Providing a free beta test to a greater community allows us fix any problems that may occur in the software essentially allowing us to give you a better experience with PlusSpec.
There are 3 advantages you get

  1. see what we are working on and use it for your projects. :smiley:
  2. we can rectify an issues :blush:
  3. add extra functionality to the software as per your requests. :sunglasses:

I personally get a lot of emails from users asking how to do a task. Can I ask that these questions get added to this forum so others can read and comment and or learn?

There are no silly questions
It could be how do I place a window? :window-tool:
How do I move a window? :-opening-redefine-tool:
how do I change pitch on the roof? :roof-tool:

We will answer all of these questions for you and other can learn from them. In short it will help us all out.

We have some great new additions coming soon including the new roof tool so look out for any updates.

I look forward to answering your questions.

Thanks guys, Have great long week end.