Associate materials Dialogue appearing but remaining Blank

Hi guys,

I am currently updating cost codes across a model. When I try to associate with other materials the dialogue box appears but remains white.

Any ideas how to fix this??

Hi brilliantbydesign,

I think I may have come across this issue. By any chance have you adjusted the tag (A) & category (B) of any materials using the Edit Tag & BOQ Category feature (located below material fields)? If so, did you assign a cost code to one of these materials & then tried to associate a similar cost code to other materials?

Welcome back @brilliantbydesign

When I try to associate with other materials, the dialogue box appears but remains white.

This happens when the Tag category changes. It is blank because the tag category you assigned to your material may not have any other materials associated with it. Can you change it back & does it fix the issue?
We are happy to look into making changes if you have any suggested results/fixes.

Ahh this makes sense.

Yes this fixed the issue.
